Aquaflow Can Support You to Reach Your Future Goals in the Total Water Management
Our AF-Float Flotation Unit helps you to produce a higher quality end product with extractives removal and fiber recovery by removing contaminants like
extractives or anionic trashes from filtrates.
Aquaflow’s flotation system helps you to reach the specific requirements
AF-Float is an excellent tool to reach the effluent discharge limits and to use it as a Save-All.
A wide range of AF-Float standard sizes assures optimum operating
performance and construction economy.
Features & Benefits
Your benefits when using AF-Float Flotation Unit:
- Stable and even flow pattern.
- High and constant sludge consistency, no splashing.
- High filtrate quality.
- Easy, automatic operation.
If you have any questions about our products and their application, please do not hesitate to contact us.